Banana-Maple Parfait with Cherry Sauce is a bright, sweet and sour, morning meal and delicious dessert at the same time all in one for your maximum gourmet satisfaction. The only thing with this Parfait – is to make the Cherry Sauce by pitting sour cherries. The process might be messy and take some time, but the result is totally worth it!

Total Time to Make the Banana-Maple Parfait with Cherry Sauce – 20 min.
Ingredients for Banana-Maple Parfait
- 1 banana Greek yogurt (plain): ½ cup
- almonds (sliced): 2 tablespoons
- Viking Farms Maple Syrup: 2 tablespoons
Ingredients for Cherry Sauce
- sour cherries (pitted): 1-quart
- sugar to taste
Let us start with the Banana-Maple Parfait. We are going to make layers with highly delicious ingredients. Firstly, spoon the yogurt into the bottom of a small bowl, jar or wide glass. Layer with banana slices over the yogurt, drizzle with maple syrup. Repeat layers as many times as possible.
To make the Cherry Sauce, take cherries with sugar and stir to combine in a saucepan. Put over medium heat, bring to a simmer and cook for 10 min., uncovered. The cherry mixture should thicken. If the Cherry Sauce seems dry, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of water.
Top the Banana-Maple Parfait with ⅓ cup cherry sauce and sprinkle with almonds to serve.
It would be beautiful to garnish the Parfait with whole cherries, so leave several for this purpose!
You can use the Cherry Sauce immediately or refrigerate it for future desserts.
Useful VermontMapleSyrup tips to make your pastry even tastier!
- 1 cup brown or white sugar = 1 cup Viking Farms maple sugar;
- Use Viking Farms Maple Syrup in place of vanilla extract or liquors (like bourbon);
- Avoid using Viking Farms Maple with brown sugar or molasses;
- Viking Farms Maple for a syrup soak for cakes;
- Use Viking Farms Maple Sugar for coating and garnishing cookies, donuts, pies & cakes;
- Drizzle Viking Farms Maple Syrup over hot baked pastry dough (like pie dough or puff pastry) for an instant pastry glaze;
- Make your bakery shines with a Viking Farms Maple Syrup glaze!