Cranberry Maple Saucy Cake combines both tender and crusty structures, overfilled with bright flavors and colors! When you first smell it – you know that there will be no leftovers after the cake is served!

Total Time to Cook Cranberry Maple Saucy Cake – 20 min. only!!!
To make the filling
- thawed cranberries (fresh or frozen): 2 1/2 cups (9 oz)
- Viking Farms Maple Syrup (amber or dark): 1/3 cup (plus 1 tablespoon)
- water: 1/4 cup
To make the topping
- all-purpose flour (unbleached): 2/3 cup (3 oz)
- cornmeal (fine or medium-grind): 1/3 cup (1.5 oz)
- baking powder: 1 1/2 teaspoons
- 1 egg
- milk (1%): 1/2 cup
- unsalted butter (melted and warm): 8 tablespoons (4 oz)
- vanilla extract: 1 teaspoon
- salt: 1/2 teaspoon
Turn on an oven and preheat it to 400°F (position rack in the center of the oven). Butter a 2-quart, 2-inch deep baking dish or 10-inch glass or ceramic pie plate.
Filling. In medium saucepan mix cranberries, maple syrup, and water. Bring to a simmer and keep cooking 3 minutes longer. Transfer 1/2 cup of berries, with some juice, to small bowl; set aside. Pour remaining berries and juice into baking dish; heat in oven for about 5 minutes.
Topping. In medium bowl whisk flour, cornmeal, baking powder, and salt. In another medium bowl whisk egg, milk, butter, and vanilla; add flour mixture and whisk until blended.
Remove baking dish from oven and scrape batter over berries (no need to cover completely). Spoon reserved berries and juice randomly over batter.
Bake 18-20 minutes until topping is golden brown, feels crusty, and springs back when you press it.
Let Cranberry Maple Saucy Cake slightly chill before serving.
Useful VermontMapleSyrup tips to make your pastry even tastier!
- 1 cup brown or white sugar = 1 cup Viking Farms maple sugar;
- Use Viking Farms Maple Syrup in place of vanilla extract or liquors (like bourbon);
- Avoid using Viking Farms Maple with brown sugar or molasses;
- Viking Farms Maple for a syrup soak for cakes;
- Use Viking Farms Maple Sugar for coating and garnishing cookies, donuts, pies & cakes;
- Drizzle Viking Farms Maple Syrup over hot baked pastry dough (like pie dough or puff pastry) for an instant pastry glaze;
- Make your bakery shines with a Viking Farms Maple Syrup glaze!