Fresh Berries with Maple Cream – what dessert might be more beneficial and light? Just by stirring a bit of maple syrup into sour cream, you get a sweet, creamy sauce that is wonderful over any kind of fresh fruit.
It is a very easy and quick recipe which you can cook even with kids! Nevertheless, it looks elegant and sophisticated. You can mix any kind of berries. Just choose your favorite one and make sure they are fresh!

Total Time to Cook Four Servings of Fresh Berries with Maple Cream – 5 min.
- fat-free sour cream: 3/4 cup
- Viking Farms Maple Syrup: 1/4 cup
- fresh blueberries: 1 cup
- fresh strawberries (cut into small pieces): 1 1/2 cups
To cook the maple cream for Fresh Berries with Maple Cream – stir sour cream and maple syrup in a bowl carefully with a whisk.
To form Fresh Berries with Maple Cream dessert – place berries in the bottom of the serving glass, then cover them with maple cream. Repeat the layers as many times, as you want or until there are no ingredients left. Top the glass with cream and several berries.
Useful VermontMapleSyrup tips to make your desserts even tastier!
- 1 cup brown or white sugar = 1 cup Viking Farms maple sugar;
- Use Viking Farms Maple Syrup in place of vanilla extract or liquors (like bourbon);
- Avoid using Viking Farms Maple with brown sugar or molasses;
- Viking Farms Maple for a syrup soak for cakes;
- Use Viking Farms Maple Sugar for coating and garnishing cookies, donuts, pies & cakes;
- Drizzle Viking Farms Maple Syrup over hot baked pastry dough (like pie dough or puff pastry) for an instant pastry glaze;
- Make your bakery shines with a Viking Farms Maple Syrup glaze!