Maple Pear Crisp – light, medium-sweet dessert recipe that is easy to cook and so pleasant to eat from a deep bowl full of savory pear delights.

Total Time to make 8 servings – 45 min.
Preparing: 15 min. + Baking: 30 min.
- pecans/walnuts (chopped): 1/2 cup
- butter: 1/4 cup
- brown sugar: 3 tablespoons
- all-purpose flour: 3 tablespoons
- orange zest (grated): 1 teaspoon
- cinnamon (grounded): 1/2 teaspoon
- salt: 1/4 teaspoon
- ginger (grounded): 1/4 teaspoon
- cloves (grounded): 1/8 teaspoon
- butter (for greasing): 1 teaspoon
Filling ingredients
- 6 ripe Bosc pears
- lemon juice: 2 tablespoons
- Viking Farms Maple Syrup: 1/3 cup
- butter: 1 tablespoon
- orange zest (grated): 2 teaspoons
- cinnamon (grounded): 1 teaspoon
Befor cooking Maple Pear Crisps, turn on the oven and preheat it to 375°.
Place all ingredients except butter for greasing in a food processor; pulse until crumbly.
Peel and core pears, then cut each lengthwise into wedges; toss with lemon juice. Grease an 8-in. square baking dish with butter (1 teaspoon) and place in prepared pear wedges.
To cook the filling for Maple Pears, combine maple syrup, butter, orange zest and cinnamon in a small saucepan; bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Pour over pears. Sprinkle with crumb mixture. Bake for 30 min. until pears are tender.
If you desire, top Maple Pear Crisp with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.
To make a sophisticated starter and amaze your guests, simply complement Maple Pear Crisps with blue cheese or poultry pâté instead of whipped cream or vanilla ice cream!
Useful VermontMapleSyrup tips to make your pastry even tastier!
- 1 cup brown or white sugar = 1 cup Viking Farms maple sugar;
- Use Viking Farms Maple Syrup in place of vanilla extract or liquors (like bourbon);
- Avoid using Viking Farms Maple with brown sugar or molasses;
- Viking Farms Maple for a syrup soak for cakes;
- Use Viking Farms Maple Sugar for coating and garnishing cookies, donuts, pies & cakes;
- Drizzle Viking Farms Maple Syrup over hot baked pastry dough (like pie dough or puff pastry) for an instant pastry glaze;
- Make your bakery shines with a Viking Farms Maple Syrup glaze!